Say "good night" to neck pain!
Waking up and getting out of your comfortable bed in the morning is hard enough. The last thing you want is a kink in your neck! Here's what you can do to prevent waking up with a stiff neck.
Stretch for 10 minutes before bed. Stretching will help increase flexibility and mobility. This will help prevent stiffness in the morning. (Click here for a FREE DOWNLOAD of a neck/shoulder pain stretch routine)
Use an ergonomically-friendly pillow with good neck support.
Avoid stomach sleeping - sleeping on your back is ideal, but side sleeping is okay, too.
Apply MuscleCare, the all-natural topical pain reliever, before bed and when you wake up.
Gently massage the tight areas for 5 minutes to break up the tension and reduce inflammation.
If pain persists, please schedule an appointment with a chiropractor, physiotherapist, or massage therapist.