Phew, it’s finally 2018! We made it through 2017 and it’s a new year for a new you.
The start of a new year is the best time to be highly motivated to take a positive step towards better health. Use this opportunity to reflect on the past year(s) and identify things you wish you could begin to work on. Writing down your goals or resolutions is a great way to keep them front and centre in your mind each and every day. Whatever your 2018 goals are, our healthcare team can help guide you along the way. Most commonly we hear patients express goals of weight loss, better diets, getting into the gym more, or decreasing stress.
If weight loss and a better diet hit home with you, see our Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Sandy Huynh, for diet and nutrition recommendations. She can help identify areas of nutrition you may be lacking and take a holistic approach to getting you back on track inside and out.
If 2018 is the year you are determined to fix your posture, or get rid of that stubborn shoulder or back pain, get assessed and treated by one of our physiotherapists or chiropractors. Our professionals can thoroughly assess you to show exactly why your body may be feeling twice its age. No one should live in pain! Most cases of chronic pain can be corrected, you just need to take the first step and get checked out.
Get loosened up and feel relaxed after all the stressful Christmas shopping and snow shovelling with one of our 6 Registered Massage Therapists. You can also try our 30 minute or 60 minute JustStretch program or Stress Relief Acupuncture program to further unwind and calm your mind and nerves.
We have a full team of healthcare professionals ready to assist you whatever your goals may be. Here are some of our team's new year goals:
Dr. Chris: Spend more time with family and commit to 3-4x/wk indoor cycling to be lean and strong for the spring season
Colby PT: Take more personal time to unwind and get away from electronics and social media
Dr. Merrill: Attain a black belt in TaeKwonDo
Dr. Myles: Meditate daily
Let’s keep each other on track with our 2018 new year goals and make this year your healthiest one yet!